OSIRIS-REx NASA collected an asteroid sample 

— Girlycraft

Allowing scientists to study the solar system's origins

And secure a piece of a potential future Earth-threatening space rock,

marking the agency's first success in this endeavor.

Seven years after launching to space, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft flew by Earth Sunday to deliver the pristine sample from the near-Earth asteroid Bennu.

The spacecraft dropped the sample capsule — containing an estimated 8.8 ounces of asteroid rocks and soil

From a distance of 63,000 miles (102,000 kilometers) above Earth’s surface early Sunday

And entered the planet’s atmosphere at 10:42 a.m. 

ET while traveling at a speed of about 27,650 miles per hour (44,498 kilometers per hour).

NASA has not classified the Asteroid 2023 RQ6 as a Potentially Hazardous Object 

Because it will not impact Earth's surface despite a close call.

The asteroid is approximately 75 feet wide.

It is not huge enough to be classified as a Potentially Hazardous Object. It is as big as an aircraft in terms of size.